Rush Physical Therapy - Log In or Sign Up (2024)

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Don\'t have an account? Sign Up

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Already have an account? Log in

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Inactivity Alert

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Rush Physical Therapy - Log In or Sign Up (2024)


How do I get the best results from physical therapy? ›

7 Keys to Getting the Most Out of Physical Therapy
  1. Speak Up and Ask Questions. Your first session will largely be an information-gathering exercise – both for your therapist and for you. ...
  2. Set Goals. ...
  3. Do Your Homework Between Sessions. ...
  4. Follow Instructions. ...
  5. Dedicate Space and Time. ...
  6. Don't Skip Sessions. ...
  7. Don't Overdo It.

Does Rush University have a PT program? ›

Advance your development as a physical therapist with our clinical residency programs. These intensive, yearlong trainings will prepare you to sit for board certification and equip you to meet the demands of advanced clinical practice.

What questions do physical therapists ask? ›

Top Questions Your Physical Therapist May Ask
  • What medications do you take. ...
  • Do you have other medical issues. ...
  • What is your surgical history. ...
  • “Personal” Questions. ...
  • History of your current problem. ...
  • What are your functional goals.

Is physical therapy once a week enough? ›

Usually, patients begin with one or two sessions per week; however, if you're in pain or on a long road to recovery, your therapist may recommend three visits per week. Follow your PT's instructions closely and don't try to overdo it.

Can you overdo rehab exercises? ›

In summary, when answering the question can you overdo Physio Exercises? While physiotherapy exercises are essential for rehabilitation, it is possible to overdo them with challenging high-level strengthening exercises, including heavy weight. The key is to balance consistency, intensity, and proper rest.

How do I know if my physical therapist is good? ›

Signs of a good physical therapist are that they:
  • Listen and communicate well.
  • Their approach is personalized.
  • Their attitude is positive.
  • Their treatment plans produce real results.

Is the physical therapy exam hard? ›

The NPTE has 250 questions that you must answer within five hours. That means you'll have to answer a question every 72 seconds to complete the exam. The NPTE is a tough and detailed exam, so you won't have a lot of time to think through your answers.

How do I prepare for a physical therapy evaluation? ›

Before Your Visit
  1. Make a list of any questions you have and want to ask your physical therapist.
  2. Write down any symptoms you've been having and for how long. ...
  3. Write down key information about your medical history, even if it seems unrelated. ...
  4. Ask a family member or trusted friend to go with you to your appointment.

How do I get the most out of my PT session? ›

Try to show up on time, or even better, a little earlier, so you can get started as soon as your trainer arrives.
  1. Warm up beforehand. Once your personal trainer has shown you the proper stretching and warming up techniques, feel free to do them before your session. ...
  2. Be respectful.

How long does it take to see results from physical therapy? ›

Muscle: 2-4 weeks. Tendon: 4-6 weeks. Bone: 6-8 weeks. Ligaments: 10-12 weeks.

How do you maximize physical therapy reimbursem*nt? ›

4 Steps to boost your physical therapy reimbursem*nts
  1. Automatically stay up-to-date on changing billing codes, protocols, and reimbursem*nt rates. ...
  2. Create compliant documentation that ensures you get paid. ...
  3. Trust StrataPT's billing service to follow up any denied claims. ...
  4. Get clarity on all your financial data.
Jul 17, 2023

How do I know if my physical therapist is not working? ›

If you're not experiencing any gains in range of motion or flexibility in the targeted area, it may indicate that the exercises and techniques being used are not effectively addressing the underlying mobility issues. If any of these signs are present for you, make sure to communicate with your therapist immediately.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.