Persona 5 / Persona 5 Royal - Magic Skill List – SAMURAI GAMERS (2024)

List of the different magic skills in Persona 5 / Persona 5 Royal, including their effects, SP cost, and skill card.

Persona 5 / Persona 5 Royal - Magic Skill List – SAMURAI GAMERS (1)

List of Magic Skills

These consist of Skills that require SP instead of HP. Apart from the elemental damage, someelements cause a low chance to afflict a certain status ailment,while others only cause damage. Similar to the Physical Skills, some skillswill receive a Technical Bonus when used on an afflicted target.

Skills marked with () are only obtainable on Paid DLC Persona.


Skills that belong to the Fire element have a small chance of afflicting the target with the Burned ailment after damage is dealt. Apart from minor chip damage between actions, it encourages the use of Wind/Nuclear damage to obtain Technical bonus.

SkillNameEffectsSP Cost
AgiDeal light Fire damage to 1 foe.4
AgilaoDeal medium Fire damage to 1 foe.8
AgidyneDeal heavy Fire damage to 1 foe.12
InfernoDeal severe Fire damage to 1 foe.48
MaragiDeal light Fire damage to all foes.10
MaragionDeal medium Fire damage to all foes.16
MaragidyneDeal heavy Fire damage to all foes.22
Blazing HellDeal severe Fire damage to all foes.54
TitanomachiaDeal severe Fire damage to all foes and
inflict Fear (high odds).Unique to Asterius and Asterius Picaro.


Skills that belong to the Ice element might cause the target to become afflicted with the Freeze ailment which follows the damage done.

With the enemy afflicted with Freeze, the target becomes 1 turn immobile in both action and Phys resist. This also encourages usage of Phys/Nuclear follow up to deal Technical bonus.

If you attack theFrozen target, it lifts the target from the state of immobility.

SkillNameEffectsSP Cost
BufuDeal light Ice damage to 1 foe.4
BufulaDeal medium Ice damage to 1 foe.8
BufudyneDeal heavy Ice damage to 1 foe.12
Diamond DustDeal severe Ice damage to 1 foe.48
MabufuDeal light Ice damage to all foes.10
MabufulaDeal medium Ice damage to all foes.16
MabufudyneDeal heavy Ice damage to all foes.22
Ice AgeDeal severe Ice damage to all foes.54


These skills have a low chance of causing the Shocked ailment to the target after the damage is dealt. Similar to Freeze, it also prevents the target from performing an action. It makes follow up Phys/Nuclear damage viable to reap the Technical bonus.

There’s a chance to afflict a teammate whodealt a basic melee attack on the Target with Shocked ailment.

SkillNameEffectsSP Cost
ZioDeal light Electric damage to 1 foe.4
ZiongaDeal medium Electric damage to 1 foe.8
ZiodyneDeal heavy Electric damage to 1 foe.12
Thunder ReignDeal severe Electric damage to 1 foe.48
MazioDeal light Electric damage to all foes.10
MaziongaDeal medium Electric damage to all foes.16
MaziodyneDeal heavy Electric damage to all foes.22
Wild ThunderDeal severe Electric damage to all foes.54


Skills that belong to the Wind element receive a Technical Bonus when used on targets afflicted by the Burned ailment.

SkillNameEffectsSP Cost
GaruDeal light Wind damage to 1 foe.3
GarulaDeal medium Wind damage to 1 foe.6
GarudyneDeal heavy Wind damage to 1 foe.10
Panta RheiDeal severe Wind damage to 1 foe42
MagaruDeal small Wind damage to all foes.8
MagarulaDeal medium Wind damage to all foes.14
MagarudyneDeal heavy Wind damage to all foes.20
Vacuum WaveDeal severe Wind damage to all foes.48


Skills that belong to the Psy element receive a Technical Bonus when used on targets afflicted by the psychological ailment.

SkillNameEffectsSP Cost
PsyDeal light Psy damage to 1 foe.4
PsyoDeal medium Psy damage to 1 foe.8
PsydyneDeal heavy Psy damage to 1 foe.12
PsychokinesisDeal severe Psy damage to 1 foe.48
MapsyDeal light Psy damage to all foes.10
MapsyoDeal medium Psy damage to all foes.16
MapsydyneDeal heavy Psy damage to all foes.22
Psycho ForceDeal severe Psy damage to all foes.54


Simply put, Nuclear Skills are Skills whose effects alter depending on the presence of a status ailment on the target. It functions as a good connect to successfully inflicted status ailments namely: Burned, Freeze or Shocked due to garnering a Technical Bonus.

SkillNameEffectsSP Cost
FreiDeal light Nuclear damage to 1 foe.4
FreilaDeal medium Nuclear damage to 1 foe.8
FreidyneDeal heavy Nuclear damage to 1 foe.12
Atomic FlareDeal severe Nuclear damage to 1 foe.48
MafreiDeal light Nuclear damage to all foes.10
MafreilaDeal medium Nuclear damage to all foes.16
MafreidyneDeal heavy Nuclear damage to all foes.22
Cosmic FlareDeal severe Nuclear damage to all foes.54


Although Bless has a unique element, there is no Technical Bonus obtained after the damage takes effect. It differs from the other elements since it has a chance of dealing an instant kill on one or many targets.

SkillNameEffectsSP Cost
KouhaDeal light Bless damage to 1 foe.4
KougaDeal medium Bless damage to 1 foe.8
KougaonDeal heavy Bless damage to 1 foe.12
MakouhaDeal light Bless damage to all foes.10
MakougaDeal medium Bless damage to all foes.16
MakougaonDeal heavy Bless damage to all foes.22
God’s JudgementHalf remaining HP of 1 foe.48
HamaSmall chance of instantly killing 1 foe.8
HamaonMedium chance of instantly killing 1 foe.15
MahamaSmall chance of instantly killing all foes.18
MahamaonMedium chance of instantly killing all foes.34
SamsaraHigh chance of instantly killing all foes.
Unique to Daisoujou.
Shining ArrowsDeal 4 to 8 time light Bless damage to all foes.
Unique to Kaguya and Kaguya Picaro.


Similar to Bless, Skills that belong to Curse could instant kill either 1 or several targets. However, there is not Technical Bonus dealt either.

SkillNameEffectsSP Cost
EihaDeal light Curse damage to 1 foe.4
EigaDeal medium Curse damage to 1 foe.8
EigaonDeal heavy Curse damage to 1 foe.12
MaeihaDeal light Curse damage to all foes.10
MaeigaDeal medium Curse damage to all foes.16
MaeigaonDeal heavy Curse damage to all foes.22
Evil JudgementHalf remaining HP of 1 foe.48
MudoSmall chance of instantly killing 1 foe.8
Mudoonmedium chance of instantly killing 1 foe.15
MamudoSmall chance of instantly killing all foes.18
Mamudoonmedium chance of instantly killing all foes.34
Die For Me!High chance of instantly killing all foes.
Unique to Alice.
Deal heavy Curse damage to all foes and
inflict Panic/Fear/Distress (medium odds).
Unique to Magatsu-Izanagi and Magatsu Izanagi Picaro.
Purgatorial WingDeal severe Curse damage to all foes.
Unique to Tsukiyomi.
Abyssal WingsDeal severe Curse damage to all foes. Unique to Tsukiyomi and Tsukiyomi Picaro.30


Similar to Physical Skills, the Almighty Skills do not possess any element. The advantage of Almighty Skills is that only a handful of targets resist them.

SkillNameEffectsSP Cost
MegidoDeal medium Almighty damage to all foes.15
MegidolaDeal heavy Almighty damage to all foes.24
MegidolaonDeal severe Almighty damage to all foes.38
Spirit DrainDrains SP from 1 foe.3
BloodsuckDrains ? HP and ? SP from 1 foe.3
Foul BreathIncrease susceptibility to all ailments of 1 foe.8
Stagnant AirIncrease susceptibility to all ailments of all foes and allies.5
Ghastly WailInstantly kill all foes under Fear.28
Black ViperDeal severe Almighty damage to 1 foe. Unique to Satan.48
Morning StarDeal severe Almighty damage to all foes. Unique to Lucifer.52
Door of HadesDeal heavy Almighty damage to all foes with
medium chance of instant kill. Unique to Thanatos and Thanatos Picaro.
Abyssal GazeDeal severe Almighty damage to all foes. Unique to Hastur.50
Blade of RebellionDeal severe Almighty damage to 1 foe. Extra effectiveness against an enemy that is down. Unique to ??.99
Myriad TruthsDeal heavy Almighty damage to all foes. Hits three times. Unique to Izanagi-no-Okami and Izanagi-no-Okami Picaro.40

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