Out of the Shadows Achievements Guide (2024)

A guide to all the achievements in Out of the Shadows Living WorldSeason 3 Episode.


  • 1 Meta/Mastery Achievement
  • 2 Story Instance Achievements
    • 2.1 Research in Rata Novus
    • 2.2 A Shadow’s Deeds
    • 2.3 Confessor’s Stronghold
  • 3 Bloodstone Fen Achievements
    • 3.1 Insights/Dive Master
    • 3.2 Ghost Event Achievements
    • 3.3 White Mantle Event Achievements
    • 3.4 Jade Construct/Unbound Guardian Achievements
    • 3.5 Misc Achievements

Meta/Mastery Achievement

You only need to complete 18 of the 19 listed achievement to get thisOut of the Shadows Mastery achievement, which will reward you with 10 APand a Bloodstone Crown box where you can get an exotic helm for a weightclass of your choosing (you unlock the skin for other weights as well).Since I was having trouble with the Reversal of Fortune achievement, Iwas able to skip it and still complete the Mastery.

  • [&CuEaAAA=] Bloodstone Crown (light)
  • [&CsoaAAA=] Bloodstone Crown (medium)
  • [&CsgaAAA=] Bloodstone Crown (heavy)

Story Instance Achievements

Most of the story instance achievements are pretty straight forward. Iwill mention the non-straightforward ones below.

Research in Rata Novus

You will need to do the beginning part of this instance twice to get allthe achievements. Luckily it is very quick since the puzzle is at thevery start.

Was it Blue or Red? – 1 AP

To solve the puzzle, press the following buttons on your skillbar (B =Blue, G = Green, P = Purple, R = Red, Y = Yellow)

  • Round 1: YPRB
  • Round 2: RYPB
  • Round 3: YRBP
  • Round 4: PBYR
  • Round 5: GBRPY

Ain’t Got Time for This – 1 AP

Don’t solve the puzzle and defeat the sentry golem that spawns instead.

A Shadow’s Deeds

The Sky is Falling – 2 AP

You are able to do this the first run, but you won’t get the icon tellyou if you failed the achievement until your second run so if you don’tget it your first run, watch for the new achievement buff icon on yoursecond run.

What you need to avoid are those large ground AoEs indicated by orangecircles. In most cases, you do have time to run/dodge out in time butbeware of mobs that can stun you at an inopportune times and cause youto fail the achievement.

Confessor’s Stronghold

This instance is worth mentioning because it has two hidden achievementsthat do not count towards the meta/mastery achievement but give you 3 APfor those that like to do it.

Bloodstone Magic, Not Even Once – 2 AP

This hidden achievement is earned during the Justicar Adrienne fight. At75%, 50% and 25%, she will become immune and start spinning in a circlearound the bloodstone shard in the middle. You need to attack thatbloodstone shard to gain the Counter Magic button in your hotbar andclick it to activate a red beam between you and the shard. Then you needto run to the back of Adrienne so that the red beam pass through hershield and breaks her immunity. For this achievement, you need to breakher shield before she completes a full circle of spinning around. Prettyeasy achievement once you know what to do.

Take It Down a Notch – 1 AP

In the final fight with the Jade Construct, the Knights standing on topof the stadium will from time to time do a cheering animation. If thishappens, kill them immediately with your ranged weapon for this hiddenachievement. The achievement will pop up as soon as you kill the correctKnight so just prolong the fight and don’t bother killing the JadeConstruct at all.

Bloodstone Fen Achievements

Insights/Dive Master

There are two Mastery Insights and a Dive Master achievement in thiszone. You definitely need Updraft Usage and Bouncing Mushroom Mushroombut having Lean Gliding and Advanced Gliding will make things mucheasier as well.

Bloodstone Fen Insight: Fragmented Wastes – 1 AP, 1 Mastery

Bloodstone Fen Insight: Temple of Renewal – 1 AP, 1 Mastery

Dive Master: Just Dropping By – 1 AP

There is no water at the bottom, you are aiming for a mesmer portal.

Ghost Event Achievements

Ghost event chain occur on the left side of the map in Haunted Canyons.They occur at start of the night, when theVerdant Brink night time events occur, that is when the ghost eventsoccur).

The first event in the chain is an event to kill a bunch of spirits inthe Canyon. After completing this event, you will get the events for theLost Souls achievement.

Lost Souls – 3 AP

You will need to kill Savant Ehrin, Nyle the Compassionate, RitualistJosa and Thief Lloyd. They spawn in sequence after the event to kill thespirits in Haunted Canyons. When one is killed the next one spawn. Theyall spawn in the Haunted Canyon area.

Savant Ehrin

Nyle the Compassionate

Ritualist Josa

Thief Lloyd

Grief Counseling – 1 AP, 1 Mastery

Alari’s event spawn once the Lost Souls event are done. This is a veryshort escort event and Alari runs fairly fast so it will be over in mereminutes. Once the escort finishes and you get the event reward pop up,type /yes in chat while Alari is talking and you will get theachievement.

White Mantle Event Achievements

White Mantle can be found all over the map but the main event involvingthe Ghostly Justiciar occurs above Zealot’s Overlook Waypoint in theColosseum of the Faithful which you can reach using updrafts near thewaypoint.

Mantle Pieces – 5 AP

Kill 200 White Mantles in Bloodstone Fen, can be done anywhere really.You might get most of it done when you do the story instanceachievements.

This Time, Stay Dead – 3AP, 1 Mastery

Kill the Ghostly Justiciar that spawns once you do the preevent to cleanup the spirits around the Colosseum of the Faithful.It is unknown if thepre-event have a fixed spawn timer but seems to occur fairly often(about twice an hour).

Reversal of Fortune – 1 AP

This achievement can be a bit tricky to get. The Justiciar is suppose todo blue teleporting attacks once he reaches below 50% that ports playersto the air. When this happens, you are suppose to use your aerial combatskills to hit the Justiciar for the achievement. However, in numerousJusticiar kills I havn’t seen this teleporting mechanic being used sothis achievement can be annoying to get.

Jade Construct/Unbound Guardian Achievements

Jade Construct and Unbound Guardian events occur on the east side of themap, inside that giant hole in the ground and proceed all the way to thecave inside. It does not appear to have a fixed timer either but seemsto occur at least once per hour.

From Ground Zero waypoint, you can glide down to the various platformswith Bloodstone Stalagmites. The Jade Construct event will occur at thehighest platform first and your goal is to kill the construct before itconsume the bloodstone. If this event is successful, it will occur againon a lower platform, and repeat itself 5 times.

Jade Carving – 3 AP

For this achievement you will need to kill 10 Jade Constructs. While theA Shadow’s Deeds and Confessor’s Stronghold story instances do have aconstruct inside them, it can be tedious to repeat them. Instead, youshould do the Jade Construct event chain as a successful chain can have6 Jade Constructs to kill.

Available Guardian – 5 AP

This Unbound Guardian, which is basically a clone of the Vale Guardianwith very similar abilities, only spawn at end of the cave if all theJade Construct events succeeds. The main difference compared to ValeGuardian is that it won’t have any split phases and anyone standinginside the green circle can use the Counter Magic skill to gain 200%more damage for a few seconds.

Misc Achievements

Conspiracy of Dunces – 5 AP

This is a series of 4 achievements that rewards a bunch of AP and aDragonite Ore and Bloodstone Dust consumer item. Consult the guideherefor all the details.

Magic Unbound: The Gathering – 1 AP, 1 Mastery

An achievement named perhaps after Magic the Gathering cards? Anywaysfor this achievement you just need to consume 10 floating unbound magicin the air under 60 seconds. Not a very difficult task and there is apretty good spot from the Airship waypoint to do this. You will need tohave completed Reaper of Magic story instance to be eligible to interactwith the Unbound Magic.

Don’t Cross the Streams – 1 AP

This is a hidden achievement with a funny name. To get this achievement,you must first purchase Rider the Ley Line ability from the UnboundMagic exchange vendor at the Airship for 1000 Unbound Magic and 500Bloodstone Dust. This will give you a #5 skill when you glide. Now,when you use a Ley Line, use this skill at the same time for a hilariouseffect and 1 AP.

Archived Disqus comments

  • Glaurung

    “The Sky is Falling” – you CAN do it the first time, you just don’thave the qualification icon (did it myself).

    • Glaurung

      PS: Another good spot for the 10-times-in-60-seconds achievementis the way down for the dive master achievement – there’s a“path” from over 10 magical orbs down to the mesmer portal, soyou can easily combine both achievements.

    • Lumx

      confirmed, got it on the first run without qualification. Maybea bug they will fix later

  • sadly guy

    The Sky is Falling disappeared after I slaughtered the last mobs.

    • sadly guy

      It may be Ranger’s Pet bugged

  • zob

    Skill numbers for “Was it Blue or Red?” 1-2-3, 3-1-2 (didn’t needthe blue at the end), 1-3-4-2, 2-4-1-3 and 5-4-3-2-1

    • Gammler

      Came here to say the exact same thing. The color order is YPRfor the first, and RYP for the second; neither requires a fourthinput in the sequence. Everything else is correct.

  • Alot

    Best part of the “don’t cross the streams” achievement is why it wasadded.

    Without the “hilarious effect”, the double ley-line broke thephysics engine. The work around could be considered a fuse in anelectrical circuit -.-

    • Loki-the-Tom

      This achievement is a very loaded reference to the originalGhostbusters movie.

      Spengler: There’s something very important I forgot to tellyou.Venkman: What?Spengler: Don’t cross the streams.Venkman:Why?Spengler: It would be bad.Venkman: I’m fuzzy on the wholegood/bad thing. What do you mean, “bad”?Spengler: Try to imagineall life as you know it stopping\instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at thespeed\of light.Stantz: Total protonic reversal!Venkman: Right. That’sbad. Okay. All right. Important safety tip. Thanks, Egon.

  • wQnxy

    Atm i have 23 finished acheivements from the tab, not finished JadeContruct one and hidden one and still 18/18 =]

    So, you probably can skip smthn else.

    • ImDead

      I’ve got 22 finished achievments and still 17/18, missing jadeconstruct and hidden aswell plus the guardian achievment which idid kill it but no reward…

  • Drakulakun

    for the “Reversal of Fortune” achievement, join a low populationmap. The Justiciar tends to pop a lot of blue ports (under 50%health) and you can easily see them.

    • Doghouse

      Yes. This seems to be a bit like Shatterer; when there are toomany people, something may stop him using the skill.I killed theJusticiar maybe 8 or 9 times in “busy” fights, and didn’t seethe skill pop once.

      Then I tackled him late in the evening, with maybe other 8people – and he used it 3 times. (I actually missed the firstone – was mentally cursing because I couldn’t get to the circlesin time. I shouldn’t have worried. The next two times, he poppedone straight underneath me.)

  • Volt

    25/26 – Only missing Reversal of Fortune…

  • guest

    I’ve been waiting for the knights to cheer for 15 minutes…is theresomething I’m missing?

    • guest

      Never mind. It seems it only happens after the jade constructgets below 50% health.

  • Ghorbak

    There is one achievment missing (hidden achiev): Killing one of theadd during the last story fight (one of the white mantle guycheering during boss fight)

  • Doghouse

    Episode: Research in Rata Novus\Step: Outsmart the Novus security system

    (I completed this before coming here and seeing Dulfy’s answer, buttruth to tell my brain doesn’t work well with the colour code andsymbols. So…)

    Mapped to the keyboard, the codes for the console are\1234\3124\1342\2413\54321

    • Doghouse

      Sorry – as others have said – the first two codes are only 3symbols long. The last digits above are not needed.

  • Glaurung

    Reversal of Fortune is fixed now.\Actually, it’s pretty hard to miss it during a successful event, heports you up pretty often.

  • MattStriker

    For “The Sky is Falling”, there’s an easy but somewhat slow way ofdoing it if you’re getting frustrated by stuns and stuff (or runningout of endurance at the worst possible moment): Don’t touch theground.

    There’s two updrafts in the area, and you can stay up there prettymuch non-stop except for some very brief stops to pick up thebloodstone fragments. Strafing runs will get rid of the various mobseventually, and it’s FAR easier to not get hit by the big glowycircles of achievement denial.

    • Knight_ldr

      Or, you know, have someone else complete it for you while youwait at the entrance.

      That’s how we did it with a friend.

  • Psuedo Nym

    For “Was It Blue or Red”, as a help to the colorblind:

    Stage 1: 123\Stage 2: 312\Stage 3: 1342\Stage 4: 2413\Stage 5: 54321

  • Answerer

    Can someone confirm if this is broken?

    Available Guardian – 5 AP

    This Unbound Guardian, which is basically a clone of the ValeGuardian with very similar abilities, only spawn at end of the caveif all the Jade Construct events succeeds. The main differencecompared to Vale Guardian is that it won’t have any split phases andanyone standing inside the green circle can use the Counter Magicskill to gain 200% more damage for a few seconds.

    Completed it 4 times now, still at 0%, been there from start to end(including doing preevents)

    • nadrian3k

      I did it today…got it first try. I wasn’t in a party….and mostof what i did was fly+bomb the thing..not sit on the ground.

    • Chelle

      I did all the jade construct events and the Unbound Guardianevent successfully but didn’t get the achievement either. Wehappened to have an arenanet dev playing with us who confirmedthat it’s an open bug that they know about. Hope that helps – wejust need to wait until it’s fixed.

      • Answerer

        I just got it, at the 5th or 6th try, even though this timeI was late and joined in at the last 5%

  • Count Calixtus

    Dulfy, thanks again to you and your crew for the awesome guides! Gotto 14/15 on all 3 books and your help was spot on!! Keep up thegreat work.

  • Damián Sepúlveda

    Regarding “Bloodstone, Not Even Once” achievement, you should addthe fact that its definitely referring to the meme of “Meth, noteven once”, due to the fact that both are unhealthy drugs

  • Moirrainefortruth

    I can’t tell where the mastery point is for the far left lower onthe map.

    Please do mastery points separately with some idea how to get tothem…

  • Ares Zax

    Just a note that the White Mantle Knights do not start cheeringuntil the Jade Construct boss is below 50% health, so if you’rewondering why the Knights never seem to do the cheer animation,that’s why. 😉

  • Satoko

    Thanks for putting this up together, it helped immensly

  • Trek the Stars

    Thank you, I was wondering why I didn’t have a star on my story tabsaying this chapter was completed. Never would have found the hiddenachievement on my own.

  • GorillaWhorfare

    “Ain’t Got Time for This – Don’t solve the puzzle and defeat thesentry golem that spawns instead.” isn’t descriptive enough. Satthere like an idiot purposely failing the puzzle waiting for thegolems to spawn when all I had to do was choose the “Skip thepuzzle” option of which I assumed would automatically solve thepuzzle for me therefore not spawn golems and advance the story.However, it actually does spawn golems to kill for the achievement.Sometimes you need to be thorough with your guides common senseisn’t common.

  • Wisteria

    I got 18/18 achivs and story journal masteries but i didn’t getcompletion mark.. Why?

Out of the Shadows Achievements Guide (2024)
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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.